Hey folks, let’s talk about listening!

Ever heard the saying, “Good listeners are like trampolines because you can bounce your ideas off them”? It’s more than being a sponge for information – it’s about reflecting, understanding, and connecting. 

So, here’s the million-dollar question: are you a sponge or a trampoline?  

Regardless of where you are on the effective listening scale, there’s always room to learn more. And that’s where deep listening comes in. 

What is deep listening?

Deel Listening is when you’re fully present, soaking in every word without trying to steer the conversation. It’s about being open to what the speaker means. It’s making an effort to understand the speaker’s perspective, picking up on both verbal and non-verbal cues. Deep Listening is staying open to new ideas without jumping to conclusions or making a judgment.

But wait, isn’t that just active listening?

Well, they’re brother and sister but not twins.  

Active listening is about being proactive – catching onto the speaker’s facts and feelings, nodding along, and paraphrasing to show you’re tuned in. 

Deep Listening is well, deeper. 

it’s like a dance between you and the speaker, with a twist of self-reflection. Sounds funky, right? But that’s what makes the connection go deeper, paving the way for some seriously creative and innovative conversations. 

 So, let’s embrace the power of deep listening. Let’s be the trampolines, not just the sponge. Who’s with me?

Deep Listening Summary:

  1. Deep Listening is listening where we are fully present and devoted to understanding the person we are speaking with 
  1. It is listening without trying to control the conversation, judge or make assumptions. 
  1. It takes place when we strive to understand the speaker’s perspective.  
  1. Deep Listening is as much about listening to yourself as well as paying close attention to the verbal and non-verbal cues of the speaker.  
  1. Is when you suspend judgment and are willing to learn from the speaker. 
  1. It is listening to others as we remain open to the new ideas and avoid judging. 
  1. Is when we suspend our response until the other person had finished speaking 
  1. It is when we ‘hear’ our thoughts but DO NOT give voice to them.   

Discover the secrets of effective communication through deep listening techniques. Start now! 







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