About the Mindful Communication Course

Why Is Listening So Hard?

“Friends are those rare people who ask how we are, and then wait to hear the answer.” – Ed Cunningham.

Overview of Communication

Communication starts with the GAP between speaking speed and the brains processing speed. This causes interference between what one person actually says and what the listener thinks they said. 

The difference can cause communication to fail because, unfortunately, most people have never been taught how to use their Lag Time ineffectively.

Later sessions show you how to gain more overlap between what is said and the listener thinks they heard building stronger connections, reduced friction, and more inclusive, meaningful and fulfilling relationships.

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The Interpersonal Gap

Lag Time gives the listener the opportunity to think of other things most people while listening, the Interpersonal Gap can make the gap even more.

This section explains how the Interpersonal Gap is created. The success of the conversation is measured by the width of the Gap.

The more overlap between the speaker and listener the better the understanding between them. The wider the gap the less effective the communication.

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Congruence in Communication

To make matters worse, when the people engaged in the conversation lack congruency because their body language does not match words the speaker uses. When this happens we have a lack of congruence in the communication.

This section explains how congruency is critical in the success or failure of the conversation between people in all walks of life.

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Reduce Disappointments and Conflict

And now a potential solution.

The Pinch Crunch Model provides a simple strategy to reduce conflict and enrich your relationships.

Why potential? Because two people must be willing to engage.

The model explores how relationships both professional and personal start with clarity of expectations before moving to the honeymoon and harmonious stage where everything is goes well before life gets in the way.

One person experiences a disappointment and they have to make a decision to make. Do they remain silent or speak up and the choice they make will determine the future of the relationship.

This model provides you with a solid strategy to stay with the positive and enjoy healthy enriched relationships.

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The Pinch Crunch Model